15 August 2008

he did it!

So the little monkey rolled over yesterday for the first time (unassisted). He did it twice. From his belly to his back. He has almost gone from his back to his belly... but not quite. He gets almost all the way over, looks at me, smiles and then rolls back to his back. He's such a cutie. Hopefully when we get home tonight, he will do it again and I will catch it on the camera. We will see though. I did something to my back yesterday, so I'm not so apt to getting on the floor just yet. (as I don't know if I will be able to get back up). Think it's just a muscle spasm, but it's still a pain. (literally!) oh well.

We are off to catch the ferry back to the mainland in about an hour. Michael, I will have my cell on in about 30 min or so. Mom, I want to know why it is that you aren't flying into Gboro! I'm bummed! We were really looking forward to seeing you! Ok... final packing to finish up. Will get fresh pics up tomorrow when I'm at home. :) Love you!


...me said...

the reason i decided to stick with charlotte is because the more i thought about it the more i realized it was not the best way to introduce myself to the consulting team...you know, they ask me to fly to charlotte monday afternoon and instead i fly to gboro on sunday...hummmm
...as it turns out the vp had made plans for her assistant to pick me up at the airport when i arrive - whoops!
but the more important news is: littlemrperfect rolled over!!! if you are able to post a video of his gold medal performance we will all be thrilled, i am sure!

M said...

Your back? Awww baby no hurting your back! hot and cold compresses stat!

Yay for the roll over! Now you can start the fun game of "CHASE THE CADEN" So get your back better.

I love you so much.