31 July 2012


So today Michael challenged Caden to climb up his back onto his shoulders with Michael on the floor on his knees. Don't you know, Caden totally did it! I shouldn't be shocked, the kid is strong and has amazing balance. We are debating whether or not to put him into a class at the gym for a week, if so which (swimming or gymnastics)... think we are leaning towards gymnastics. Will see...


...me said...

...swimming is more affordable; lifetime; lower serious injury threshold; max cardio...

(...and doesn't require staring at yourself in a mirror quite so much)

...just a thought... xxxooo ~

M said...

yea, it's leaning towards gymnastics as he has a natural affinity towards it. and we can teach him to swim ourselves... rather than paying. as we both grew up swimming.

and the price is roughly the same for both. (they don't use mirrors for kids gymnastics)

we will see. we need to call and see what the schedule looks like and a few other details before a decision is made.