So my family never really did Halloween. And since becoming an adult, I haven't particularly wanted to get into it. However, this year, as the FRG leader for the Company... I really needed to be at the Battalion Trunk or Treat. As I wasn't at all inspired with costumes (he was a Sock Monkey for his first Halloween, skipped his second Halloween since it was raining... but would have been a golfer)... but this year, I just couldn't decide. We ended up borrowing a Dinosaur/Dragon costume from a friend who's 3 yr old has worn it last year. (and i remembered it being super cute).
Top it off... I carved my very first pumpkin this year. Needed something to enter into the pumpkin carving contest. So this afternoon I sat down with my pumpkin and my borrowed pumpkin carving tools (which, once outlined got set aside for a pairing knife instead).
So off we went to the Trunk or Treat. Dinosaur and pumpkin in tow. Don't you know... Caden got 2nd place with his dino costume in the contest for the 0-2 group. And I won first place with my pumpkin! How awesome is that! I don't have pics yet of Caden in his costume, those will be taken tomorrow night when we go to a friend's house for an evening of fun. I do have shots of the pumpkin though. Of course - GO GATORS... A Co Gators that is! :)
Can you tell I am proud of my pumpkin. I almost want to go out and carve another one! :) Oh, and there's a random shot of Caden at MeMe's last weekend.
Very cool baby. You are quite the artist.
...the pumpkin art was seriously cool!
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